
The Parameter Window gives access to an operators parameters.

You see the parameters of a selected node in the parameter window, usually found in the upper right corner. You can turn that window on and off with the hotkey p or by right-clicking on the desktop and checking the checkbox for parameters in the context menue.

To see the details of a parameter, hover over the name until a little + appears at the left of the name. Click it to unfold the parameter details or press the + icon in the upper right corner of the window to expand/collapse all parameter details. Parameters can be set by hand, via (python) script, export (from CHOPs) or bidirectional binding. You can switch between those modes with the little boxes right of a parameter name.

To manually set the values of a parameter quickly, make use of the value ladder.
We will learn later how to connect parameters via expression, export and binding.

The ? Icon on the upper left will take you to the help for the selected operator. The ? with a background will take you to the Python help for that node and the i will display info about the current status of the node.

The circular icon in the right top corner of the window will show “non-default” parameters only. What this means is that you only see parameters that have been changed to a value other than the default. This is very useful if you inspect other peoples networks and want to find out what they actually have changed. you can reset a parameter to it’s default value by right-clicking on the parameter name and selecting “Reset Parameter”.