5 – Interactive Particle Systems / Recording

https://vimeo.com/884572044/8564aa7213?share=copy Course Files 04_SOUNDREACTIVE_PARTICLE_SOPDownload 04_INTERACTIVE_PARTICLE_FORCE_SOPDownload Lesson Overview Today we are introducing how to setup a particle system using Particle SOP. Sound reactive in the first project example and interactive in

4 – Enter 3D Space / Recording

https://vimeo.com/882256492/1fde88ed11?share=copy Lesson4_TranscriptionDownload Course Files 03_GEOMETRY_3DSETUP_Download 03_GEOMETRY_TORUS_TWISTDownload 03_WIP_3D_SETUPDownload Lesson Overview During this session we setup a simple and basic 3D environment using the Geometry, Camera and Light COMP. Focusing our attention