Notch is a powerful enviroment to create amazing motion graphics and interactive VFX in realtime, but how can you take this one step further?
That’s where TouchDesigner comes in as the perfect partner to create powerful immersive and interactive installations, VR/AR pieces and music driven performances. Together both tools deliver a more complete creator experience. Now you can connect physical programming with lasers, dmx lights and different kinds of sensors to drive the piece the way you really wanted to.
In this two hour lecture, Carlos walks you through two different projects, explaining all the aspects and provide you with files to kickstart your own exploration. At the end you will understand how to build complex systems with millions of particles and volumentric lights and connect them to the physical world.
Also included is recording of an extensive Q&A, where Carlos answered questions of course participants.
You will learn how to:
Create beautiful content without GLSL in Notch:
# Volumetric Lights
# 3D Particle Trails
# Procedural Meshes
# Volumes & Fields
# Millions of Particles
Manipulate Notch content inside TouchDesigner
or send sophisticated control data from Touch to Notch:
# Exporting Notch Blocks for TD
# Exposable Notch Cameras in TD
# Use 2D Textures and 3D Objects
# Programm Logic and Interaction
# Get Physical: Work with Sensors, Lights (DMX, Artnet), Music, Lasers (ILDA), Arduino, APIs, Videomapping and multiple Output Screens
You should be familiar to navigate and work with TouchDesigner.
As a minimum you should have passed the free Introduction to Touchdesigner Course here.
Notch need will need a professional license, Touch a commercial one to do what Carlos will show.
We do not expect you to click along in this webinar, but if you have all the licenses, you sure can.
Your Instructor:

Carlos Serrano is a media & interaction Designer from Bogotá, Colombia. At this moment, he focusses his researche on how the real world can be recreated with physics and mathematics by running algorithms and simulate physical worlds in virtual representations.