February 10th 2022
Topics Covered :
Understanding Application and Definition of a .vl document Moving definitions to a separate library-only document Referencing documents to access all nodes defined in there 3d rendering basics :
vvvv is using the Stride 3d engine: https://stride3d.net Stride is using an entity-component system for setting up scenes and and a PBR workflow for materials Main elements of a sceneĀ Geometric primitives (Entities) (Sphere, Box, …) Lights (Skybox, Directional, Point, …) Materials (TextureMaterial, PBRMaterial) PostFX (AmbientOcclusion, LocalReflections,…) Loading models requires two nodes: Hittesting using the MouseRay nodeCamera needs to be connected to both the MouseRay node and the SceneWindow Also MouseRay node needs to be connected to SceneWindow SceneWindow ShortcutsF2: Show performance meter and used graphics card F4: Show debug mode with axis and grid F11/Alt+Enter: Go fullscreen
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