What we love
Design, Art & Technology
The NODE Institute is run by designers David Brüll and Stefan Kraus with the mission to empower the visual programming communities.
The Institute works closely with the well known media art festival NODE Forum for Digital Arts to extend the festivals massive workshop program throughout the year.
We are all about the exchange of knowledge and inspiration. We host regular user meetings for the vvvv, TouchDesigner, Noitch VFX and other creative communites in our studio in Berlin and worldwide over the internet.
We organise workshops and webinars and connect educators with students, clients with experts, problems with solutions. Learn more about our consulting services here!

Let’s be honest. If you do what we do, you do it because you love it. And that’s what makes it so rewarding to meet likeminded people that dedicate their talents to explore the borderlands of art, technology, performance and programming.
To enjoy each others company, to share inspiration, to come up with new projects, to help each other out and to chat about something completely different.
We enjoy facilitating these encounters, live in our studio in Berlin and worldwide.
Our mission is to complement the great wealth of user generated tutorials with an organised learning path suited for professionals.
As a platform we connect students and educators in a way that benefits both.
Educators can spend more time on creating learning materials and help students when they get paid.
Students will be able to aquire certificates, backed up by industry professionals that actually mean something when looking for a job.
United we stand, divided we fall.
We don’t believe in competition. We believe that great talents will want to create great work together and make a living. That works better together than against each others.
Call us hippies if you want, but we want to contribute to a world where people respect each others work and viewpoints and help each other to grow. Where people think critical about the state of the world, their work andour common future.
The Institute runs an office space in Berlin, Neukölln with associated creative minds:
David Brüll
David’s Studio is specialized in designing and building interactive installations and spatial envirnoments. studiobruell.de
David is also founder and director of the Frankfurt based festival NODE Forum for Digital Arts. nodeforum.org
Mickey van Olst
Mickey is an allround renessaince man, artist and creative developer. mickeyvanolst.com
Stefan Kraus
Stefan is the creative head behind Studio MXZEHN.
Wieland Hilker
Wieland is creative developer and cetified event technician. alphamoonbase.de